"A picture is worth a thousand words, so a video is your personal library!"

(712) 256-2079

Highlight videos of some of our previous weddings

As with most other web videos, we have reduced the quality for download purposes, but they are still rather large and may take quite a while if you are using a dial-up connection.

Please click on an image to play that video.

These are two different highlight videos of Kristi and Anthony's wedding.
Both videos are unique although they both share many scenes.

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This highlight was created with a traditional style of music.
This highlight was created to be more upbeat.

The wedding video at the reception (Same Day Edit)

These two videos are a unique milestone in our work. They are of a Same Day Edit, where the video is edited just after the wedding ceremony and shown at the reception! This one was recorded and shown on 9/29/07 for Duane and Tammi.

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This is the video shown at the reception.
This was Duane and Tammi's
reaction while watching the video.
(Note: the buzz is from the
venue's sound system.)

The ceremony and reception videos below are from a wedding we recorded just outside St. Louis, MO for Nathan and Samantha.

(03:16) (02:56)